Facility managers today have two basic methods with which to supply mats for their buildings. They can purchase and maintain their entrance mats or they can rent mats from an industrial laundry that cleans the floor mats on a regular interval, usually once per week. Unfortunately, once a week is not often enough to do the job properly. Entrance mats need to be cleaned as soon and as often as they become dirty.
Why do customers rent mats? The primary reason, we have found over the years, is “convenience”. Not because the rental mat does a better job of stopping dirt and moisture, but because it is considered easier since the facility does not have to clean the mats. They actually pay significantly more for this convenience. Renting convenience does come with a significant cost, as much as 4 to 5 times that of purchasing mats. To compete with rental mat programs, we must first address this perception that renting mats is easier and more convenient.
Hard working entrance mats do a tough job accumulating dirt and debris. They often require maintenance on a daily basis and rental companies can not offer that service. Often rental mats are completely clogged with dirt before the service returns. The rental floor mat actually becomes a launching pad for dirt and debris at your front door. A timely maintenance schedule is critical to proper entrance mat performance. Whether they are rented or purchased entrance mats, keep them clean is vital. Stopping dirt at the door is a commitment that needs to be monitored on an “as need” basis. Entrance mats should be cleaned as soon as they become contaminated. The convenience of rented mats is truly not a convenience at all. It’s better to purchase quality mats from Mat-Tech and it saves you an enormous amount of expense.
As your cleaning service maintains your facility, including the floors, they can maintain your entrance mats on a daily basis.
The “convenience factor” of the rental mat program is really not a convenience at all. The cost of your rental mat program is surprisingly high. You will enjoy the savings and improved soil and water stopping performance of quality entrance mat program from Mat-Tech, Inc.